Friday, May 21, 2010


Some day a lecturer in a film appreciation course may say "Are the credits shown at the end of The Dark Knight blue-grey or grey-blue? Are they bluish grey or greyish blue?" And this presence of blue may become an important point of discussion because the logo of Batman in Christopher Nolan's take on the comic book superhero is formed by blue and black (and perhaps white) flames before the start of the second film's first shot, and because the second film sequence in which Batman illegally arrests a criminal in Hong Kong has a lot of blue lights. The second film sequence in which Batman foils the Joker's scheme regarding the actual hostages and scheme regarding the two ferries also has a lot of blue lights. Most of the second film posters also have a blue tint. So blue alone and in combination with other colours is almost a motif in the second film, whereas brown alone and in combination with other colours was almost a motif in Batman Begins/the first film.

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