Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have been listening to Evan Rachel Wood and the instruments in Blackbird, which is one of the music tracks in the Hollywood/fiction film Across the Universe. I like Blackbird. It can be called a very quiet track, perhaps due to its simplicity. Two harmonicas fill up each other's empty spaces during the first 22 seconds, are accompanied by a guitar or some other wire-based instrument during the next 122 seconds, and are left alone during the last 40 seconds. Since I left out Wood's singing from the previous sentence, now read me state that her singing complements and is complemented by the instrumental portions. I also like all or most other music tracks in Across the Universe. Teresa Victoria Carpio and the instruments in I want to hold your hand have made it nice. A sound made by a percussion instrument or guitar starts it, is accompanied by Carpio's singing from the 2nd second, and continues throughout. Carpio has evidently made one grammatical error, or the lyrics given to her already had that error. She sings "Yeay I...tell you something" but she should have sung "Yeay I...have to tell you something".

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